
dbplyr 2.0.0 breaks implyr

karoliskascenas opened this issue · 4 comments

Unfortunately I cannot paste any output as I have already downgraded to 1.4.4, but the problem was that "db.tbl" was not being properly escaped when using tbl(impala, "db.tbl") or tbl(impala, in_schema("db", "tbl")).

The only way I was able to query data was with dbGetQuery(impala, "select * from db.tbl") where the query string was probably not being manipulated in any way.

I am quite inexperienced with R, but maybe a quick fix would be to cap the dbplyr version dependency on 1.4.4?

Thanks. I hope to find time very soon to update the package for dbplyr 2.0.0 compatibility

@karoliskascenas are you using the ODBC or JDBC driver for Impala?

The problem seems to be that a change in dbplyr causedDBI::dbQuoteIdentifier() to use double quotes (") instead of backticks (`) to quote table and column names. I believe this is fixed in 92c79de.