
Sync Files Issue

jcjp opened this issue · 1 comments

jcjp commented

I have experienced opening two folders at the same time which both has a README.md file, both have different data inside. I then closed vscode and re-open on the README.md file which is not related to the AWS Cloud9, and it was overwritten by the data on AWS Cloud9 README.md file.

I also experience unable to connect with the AWS Cloud9 however I was able to solve this issue by adding the folder in a new workspace.

Hi there,

Thanks for raising!

I believe this is an issue with the workspace reset that occurs when the root folder changes. Due to the workspace reset, the extension attempts to reconnect and perform a sync operation. I believe this is what is occurring when the scenario you are describing happens.

Is this a common problem for you? I find it difficult to differentiate between these actions so it'll be a hard one to solve. This extension is also largely unmaintained, so feel free to have a shot at this if you have the programming experience.