
Add support for ⌘+P file search

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I love how it works so far, great job!
It would be super handy to add support for filename searching through:

{   "key": "cmd+p",   "command": "workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNextInFilePicker",   "when": "inFilesPicker && inQuickOpen" }

I haven't see the code and I don't know how your extension works, but I assuming that if the completely file list is available in the FilesPicker then would be easier to open a file without click through every file.

I would also love to be involved in the development process of this extension if I can help in any way.

Hi Andrew,

I can certainly look into adding filename search support. It'll possibly only be partially available at first as it may require me to walk the remote filesystem.

As for contributions, feel free to raise pull requests if you're technically inclined, however what I'm really after right now is bug reports. Any issues (or feature requests) you have, please raise an issue for them.

It does look like custom file search providers are coming but is not in the main release as of yet. I will start working on this when I have time, however this could be 2-3 months away from being able to release regardless of my progress.

+1 on this :)