
Create terminal not opening

georgetsag opened this issue ยท 13 comments

I am using the right click on my environment, and I am clicking the Create Terminal option, and nothing happens. The synchronization of the files is working. What am I losing for the terminal?

Hi George,

You've probably found a bug. Could you try to click the Create Terminal option again then click on Help > Toggle Developer Tools and look at the Console tab. In particular, could you report back if you see any red errors?

Also, which OS are you running?

Scratch that, found the issue and it's a result of a change in the latest VS Code release. Update your extension to 0.9.7+ when it's out if it hasn't done so already for the fix.

I am using the VS on Windows 10. I updated the extension to 0.9.7 and now I get the next message for the version of the VS. I have 1.27.1 version.


Hi George,

Thanks for responding and apologies for the misleading message.

It looks like previous functionality is now being blocked until the VS Code Terminal Providers feature is promoted into the general release, so unfortunately that means Windows won't be supported until this happens. I expect this to be promoted in 1 or 2 months. I'll leave this issue open and will close when this occurs.

Linux and Mac OS versions should work in the meantime.

Thanks for the replies. Let's wait for the fixing for the Windows.

I downgraded VS Code to 1.26.1, but I still get the Unsupported platform error. Just an fyi to anyone who might want to try that route.

Looks like this is now due for release late October.


@iann0036 can you tell me what is the status on this? I cant open a console yet,

Looks like the VS Code dependant issue landed back in the backlog: microsoft/vscode#58660

Feel free to thumbs up or comment over on that issue to allow their team to have visibility.

@iann0036, just fyi, I followed the chain of events on the microsoft/vscode#58660 issue and it looks it was closed in favor of microsoft/vscode#70978 which has been added to the April milestones, hopefully this will all be resolved soon and i can stop going back to cloud9 :)

Cheers @jbruett!

If the changes make it into VS Code core I'll make the appropriate commits.

microsoft/vscode#70978 has been closed with a merged PR. Any chance you can take another look at this @iann0036

Hey @jbruett,

Thanks for letting me know. I've updated the extension with the new API you mentioned. The changes are in 0.10.0.

Let me know how it goes for you.