
Function functions.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Some handy function functions for JavaScript, minus the docs and examples and such.

  • easy partial application: f(func, arg)
  • easy function binding: f(obj, method)
  • easy both at the same time: f(obj, method, arg)
  • function equivalents for operators: [1, 2, 3].reduce(f.add)
  • partial application for operators: [-3, 4, 2].filter(f.gt(0))


There are three big ideas here:

  • Function Conversion: effing exposes a function, f, which converts various things into functions.
  • Helpers: the function has helper functions attached to it, such as f.compose and f.const.
  • Lifted Operators: it also has function versions of built-in JS operators, such as f.add and f.gte.

Function conversion

effing.js exposes a function, generally referred to as f, which performs the following transformations:

  • f(), f(null), and f(undefined) return a no-op function
  • f(fn, args...) returns a partially applied function
  • f(context, method, args...) returns a partially applied function with a bound context
  • f(context, 'methodName', args...) returns a partially applied function with a bound context by looking up the specified key on the context

Note that the context-binding forms do not allow Functions to be passed as the context. effing.js can't read your mind.

Helper functions

id :: Any -> Any

The identity function.

compose :: (Function, Function) -> Function

Function composition: f.compose(a, b) = a ∘ b.

invoke :: (Function, Any...) -> Function

A function that lifts function application. Instead of:

[getName, getAddress].map(function(f) { return f(); });

You can write:

[getName, getAddress].map(f.invoke)

It's like f.method('call'), except that it preserves the context it's invoked with.

unpack :: Function -> Function

Given a function, unpack returns a function that expects an array and invokes the inner function with the array expanded into arguments, using apply. The context is preserved.

var addPair = f.unpack(function(a, b) { a + b });
[[1, 2], [3, 4]].map(addPair) // 3, 7

guard :: (Function, Predicate, Any?) -> Function

Given a function and a predicate (a function that returns true or false), guard returns a function that will only invoke the "body" function when the predicate passes. The predicate and function are invoked with the arguments and context of the outer function. You can supply an optional third value to use as the return value when the predicate fails; the default is undefined.

const :: Any -> Function

Given a value, this returns a function that always returns that value.

once :: (Function, String?) -> Function

Given a function, returns a function that will throw an error if it's invoked more than once. You can optionally supply a useful error message to throw with when this happens.

concat :: Function... -> Function

Given a list of functions, returns a function that invokes each of them in order with the same arguments and context.

choke :: (Number, Functionlike...) -> Function

Given a number and arguments that can be converted into a function, choke returns a function that will call the provided function with, at maximum, the specified number of arguments.

For example:

f.choke(1, console.log)("hello", "world")

Will only print out hello, because it is "choked" to a single argument.

This is useful for times when JavaScript passes additional arguments that you don't want. For example, you can use it to avoid a classic JS gotcha:

var nums = ['10', '20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70', '80', '90', '100'];
nums.map(parseInt) // [10, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 81]
nums.map(f.choke(1, parseInt)) // [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

Note that you should still explicitly specify the radix, to avoid the other parseInt gotcha.

All arguments after the first argument will be passed to the "function conversion" function f. This means you can choke and bind/partially apply in a single invocation of choke:

var nums = ['1a', '2b', '3c'];
nums.map(f.choke(1, parseInt, 16)) // [26, 43, 60]

When using the partially-applying function conversion form like above, the first argument to choke specifies the number of additional arguments the returned function is allowed to receive. Thus f.choke(1, a, b, c) is always the same as f.choke(1, f(a, b, c)).

(These are silly examples, as nums.map(f(parseInt, 16)) is sufficient in this particular case.)

negate :: Function -> Function

Given a function, returns a new function that negates the return value of its inner function.

overloaded :: Object -> Function

Given a map of numbers of arguments to implementations, this returns a new function that looks up the appropriate implementation based on the number of arguments provided and invokes it. For example:

    0: function() {
        throw new Error("You must supply at least one argument");
    1: function() {
        console.log("invoked with 1 or 2 arguments");
    3: function() {
        console.log("invoked with 3 or more arguments");
})(1, 2, 3, 4);


managed takes a normal function and returns a function that cannot be invoked directly but can only be leased. Only the most recently leased function will do anything when invoked; leasing invalidates the previously leased function and turns it into a no-op.

Here is a very weird nonsense example that nonetheless demonstrates the behavior:

var fn = f.managed(function() {
    throw new Error("Don't invoke me!");

var first = fn.lease();
var second = fn.lease();

first(); // nothing happens, because leasing
         // `second` invalidated first

second(); // but second is still valid, so
          // this throws an error

The intention of managed is to ensure that callbacks don't fire in the wrong order, when doing something like search-as-you-type loading.

curried :: (Number?, Function) -> Function

This function returns a curried version of another function, which is a function that will continuously return partially applied versions of itself until you supply it "enough" arguments. See the tests.

You can optionally pass it the number of arguments to expect. If you omit this argument, it will use fn.length to figure out the expected number of arguments. It is recommended that you always specify this explicitly, especially if you are not passing in an anonymous function.


This returns a function that behaves differently the first time it's invoked from subsequent invocations. It takes a map of arguments, which should all be functions, and returns a function that will invoke some of the functions you passed it whenever it's invoked.

The arguments you can pass are first, after, both, beforeBoth, and afterBoth (both and afterBoth are interchangeable). The behavior is hopefully intuitive. beforeBoth and afterBoth/both are always invoked, whereas first is only invoked once and after is invoked on each subsequent call.

// a render function that inserts itself into
// the DOM the first time it's called
var render = f.prime({
    first: function() {
    both: function() {
        this.el.html = "...";

The inner functions receive all the arguments passed to the outer functions and are invoked with the same context. The return value is equal to the return value of the most recent function invoked: so if you supply beforeBoth and first, the return value your first function will be return on the first invocation and beforeBoth on subsequent invocations.

Object-related helpers

get :: String -> Object -> Function

get is a curried function that lifts expressions of the form obj[key]. It can be invoked directly, like f.get('foo', { foo: 123 }), but it is more useful when inokved with one argument: people.map(f.get('name')), where it will return a "function that gets."

lookup :: Object -> String -> Function

The same as get with the argument order reversed. Can be used to create "lookup functions," so we could write Mustache.js's escapeHtml function as:

var escapeHtml = function (string) {
    return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, f.lookup(entityMap));

set :: String -> Object -> Any -> Function

set is a curried function that lifts expressions of the form obj[key] = val.

method :: (String, Any...) -> Function

method is a curried function that lifts expressions of the form obj[key](args...). Examples:

people.map(f.method('calculateLifeExpectancy', 2015));

The actual function signature is probably the best way to explain how it works:

method: (methodName, args...) -> (obj, moreArgs...) ->

You invoke it with the name of a "method" and an optional list of arguments. It returns a function that expects an object followed by an optional list of additional arguments. When you invoke the returned function, it looks up the method on the object and invokes it with all the supplied arguments concatenated together (and the context set to the object itself).

Lifted Operators

effing.js exposes function equivalents of many of JavaScript's operators, for ease of composition.

Logical operators

operator name
&& and
|| or
! not

Comparison operators

operator name
< lt
> gt
<= lte
>= gte
=== eq
!== neq

Numeric operators

operator name alias
+ add
- subtract sub
* multiply mult
/ divide div
% remainder rem
- negate neg

effing.js also has some numeric operators that JavaScript doesn't have:

name alias description
modulo mod Like JavaScript's remainder operator, but will never produce a negative value.
intDivide idiv Floor division.

Partial application for binary operators

Haskell has a very nice syntax for partial application of binary operators:

isMinor = (< 18)

effing.js exposes something similar in its lifted operators:

var isMinor = f.lt(18);

When you invoke any of the binary operator functions with a single argument, it will always fill in the right side of the operator. To fill in the left argument, you can use normal partial application:

var probabilityNot = f(f.sub, 1);
probabilityNot(0.75) # 0.25