
This report aims to identify the main factors that influence the driver’s performance in terms of value generated from delivered parcels. The study focused on four variables: work pattern, van type, time of delivery, and gender. The analysis was conducted on a dataset of 48,032 observations, and 14 variables were used in the analysis. The result of the study indicates that work pattern is a significant factor that influences a driver’s performance. Drivers who work part-time tend to generate higher values from delivered parcels compared to those who work full-time and zero-hours contract. The study also found out that the type of van plays a crucial role in the driver’s performance. Drivers who use large vans tend to generate more value from delivered parcels because of the ability to carry larger quantities of parcels. Furthermore, the study found that the time of delivery also plays a significant role in the driver’s performance. Those drivers that delivered parcels in the morning and evening generated higher value from parcels delivered than those delivered in the afternoon. The study also found that gender showed a positive correlation with the total value generated from parcels delivered. Male drivers tend to generate more value from the total parcel delivered than females. The report concludes with recommendations for the company to utilize the identified areas of strength, such as the best delivery windows, larger vans, lost parcel tracking, and training for beginner drivers, to improve their efficiency and profitability.