Code examples and data for the cg-notes repo
Examples in this repo use the following libraries:
- Assimp to import assets
- Bullet to simulate physics
- Easy Profiler as the CPU profiler
- Etc2Comp to convert textures into the ETC2 format
- GLFW to create the window
- GLI to load and manipulate images
- GLM as the math library
- GLSLang to compile GLSL
- ImGui for a basic UI
- MeshOptimizer to perform mesh operations
- Optick as the GPU profiler
- STB to load and manipulate images
- Taskflow to handle parallel programming
- Volk to load Vulkan endpoints
- Vulkan as the rendering backend for some examples
- 01_GLFW: Creation of a GLFW window
- 02_Triangle: Shows how to create, compile and link shaders into a program
- 03_Maths: Uses GLM to compute a MVP matrix to show a rotating cube
- 04_SingleBuffer: The same as before but using a double-sized buffer and glBindBufferRange to draw each one instead of having to use multiple glNamedBufferSubData calls
- 05_STB: Shows how to read and write image files to use them as textures and save screenshots using the STB library
Just run python
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
start CGNotesCode.sln