
A versatile Python script for scheduling all sort of reddit posts.

Primary LanguagePython


A versatile Python script for scheduling all sort of reddit posts.


  • Create a reddit post of any type: link, text, title, image, or video
  • Option to initilize the post with a comment under it
  • Options to flair the post and flag it as spoiler and nsfw
  • If you are a moderator, options to sticky, distinguish, and lock the post (and its comment), and to set the suggested sort or enable contest mode.
  • Can also schedule comments to exisiting threads


Go to your app preferences. Click the "Create app" or "Create another app" button. Fill out the form like so:

Hit the "create app" button. Make note of the client ID and client secret.

Edit the beginning of postscheduler.py to include your username, passwordm client ID and client secret.

Scheduling Posts

This app is designed to be scheduled to run daily at whatever time you like posting stuff. It will parse through the post queue and post everything that corresponds with that days date.

Any posts that you would like to schedule should go in postqueue.py. The format is pretty straightfoward and some examples are already there.

posts = [

{"sub": "subredditname",
"title": "titletext",
"text": "bodytext",
"commenttext": "commenttext",
"date": "8,11"},


{"sub": "subredditname",
"title": "titletext",
"link": "linkurl",
"commenttext": "commenttext",
"date": "8,18"},


{"sub": "subredditname",
"title": "titletext",
"image": "path/to/image",
"commenttext": "commenttext",
"date": "7,20"}


All that this file essentially needs is a list called post containing a dictionary for each post.

The following properties are required depending on the type of posts.

  • date The date you want the post to go up on. Needs to be in "M,D" format. Required for all posts and comments.
  • sub The subreddit to post to. Required for all posts.
  • title The title of the post. Required for all posts.
  • text The body text. Required for all text posts. (but not for a title-only post)
  • link The url of the link. Required for all link posts.
  • image The path to the image you want to upload. Required for all image posts, and will be used as the thumbnail if done on a video post.
  • video The path to the video you want to upload. Required for all video posts.
  • parent - The parent id of the comment or post you want to reply to. This is required if you're just making a comment, but not a post.
  • commenttext - The text of the comment. This is required if you are making a comment, regardless of whether you are also making a post.

The following properties are optional strings. (some need moderator permissions)

  • flairid The uuid of the flair you want to use.
  • flairtext The text of the flair you want to use.
  • collectionid The uuid of the collection you want to post to.
  • sort The suggested sort to apply.

The following properties are also optional, but take booleans, not strings. These all default to False, so only include them if setting to True. Some need moderator permissions.

  • spoiler
  • nsfw
  • dontnotify Disbale inbox notifications
  • contest Enable contest mode
  • lock
  • distinguish
  • sticky
  • lockcomment
  • distinguishcomment
  • stickycomment
  • wait If the ratelimit is reached, wait the ten minutes and try again.

Setting this up with pythonanywhere

If you do not have a server, this can be set up for free on pythonanwhere. It meets their daily limits.

  • Make an account at https://www.pythonanywhere.com
  • Naigate to the "Files" page
  • Click "Upload a File", and upload postscheduler.py and postqueue.py.
  • Click on "Open Bash console here" and wait for the console to finish initilizing.
  • Type in python3 -m pip install praw -U --user.
  • Navigate to the tasks page.
  • Start a new daily task with the command python3 postscheduler.py set to run at the time that you want your stuff to post. (Note that the server time listed on the page may be different from your own time.)