
YouTube Metadata normal grabs singular details about a video and its uploader.

Primary LanguagePHP

YoutubeDataApi Laravel Package

YouTube Metadata normal grabs singular details about a video and its uploader.

Note: This extension works in Laravel 8 and Laravel 9.


Run the command: composer require khaleejinfotech/youtube-data-api-laravel to download the package into the Laravel platform.

After you have installed the package, open your Laravel config file config/app.php and add the following lines.

In the $providers array add the service providers for this package.


Publish the config file with

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="youtube_data_api"

Open the config/youtube_data_api.php in any text editor and add your api key obtained from google developer console.


return [
    'key' => env('YOUTUBE_DATA_API')


Create a TestController in Laravel using the below command line

php artisan make:controller TestController

Open the app/Http/Controllers/TestController.php in any text editor. To use IP2Location, add the below lines into the controller file.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Khaleejinfotech\YoutubeDataApi\YoutubeDataApi;

class TestController extends Controller
	//Create a fetch function for display
    public function fetch(){

        // Try query the video metadata by video Id
        $youtubeDataApi = new YoutubeDataApi();
        $videoData= $youtubeDataApi->fetch();
        echo 'VideoID           : ' . $videoData->videoId . "<br>";
        echo 'Title             : ' . $videoData->title . "<br>";
        echo 'Description       : ' . $videoData->description . "<br>";
        echo 'Channel Title     : ' . $videoData->channelTitle . "<br>";		
        echo 'Published At      : ' . $videoData->publishedAt ;
        $thumbnails = $videoData->thumbnails; // Returns array of different thumbnail sizes. 
        $defaultImageUrl = $thumbnails->default->url;
        $defaultImageWidth = $thumbnails->default->width;
        $defaultImageHeight = $thumbnails->default->height;
        $mediumImageUrl = $thumbnails->medium->url;
        $mediumImageWidth = $thumbnails->medium->width;
        $mediumImageHeight = $thumbnails->medium->height;
        $highImageUrl = $thumbnails->high->url;
        $highImageWidth = $thumbnails->high->width;
        $highImageHeight = $thumbnails->high->height;

Add the following line into the routes/web.php file.

Route::get('test', [TestController::class,'fetch');

Enter the URL localhost:8000/test and run. You should see the metadata of videoID cT1Df9lpYw8.