
Parsing json using yyjson_read failed

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Recently, I wanted to parse the json by yyjson, when I use yyjson_read function, for example
char g_szJson[]={"MotorVehicleID":"220204280513212220560220230525145700000010200001","TollgateID":"22020428051211222056","TollgateName":"越山路-光华路","LaneNo":2,"DeviceID":"22020428051321222056","EquipmentType":"01","PassTime":"2023-05-25 14:57:00.690","NameOfPassedRoad":"越山路-光华路","HasPlate":false,"PlateNo":"00000000","PlateClass":"99","PlateColor":"7","Speed":0,"Direction":"1","DrivingStatusCode":"01","VehicleClass":"X99","VehicleBrand":"0","PlateNumber":1,"LimitedSpeed":0,"MarkedSpeed":0,"Pictures":[{"Type":2,"ShotTime":"2023-05-25 14:57:00.690","Fmt":"jpg","Ref":0}],"IllegalCode":"0","IllegalDesc":"","PlaceCode":"","PlaceName":"越山路-光华路","HDirection":"2","VehicleClass2":"X99","OrgNo":"320500000900"};

int nLen = strlen(g_szJson); // 770 bytes
yyjson_read(g_szJson,nLen); // it's ok

int nLen = strlen(g_szJson)+1; //771 bytes
yyjson_read(g_szJson,nLen); // it's error

In the same situation, I use Tencent's rapidjson, but the analysis of both situations is normal. I wonder if yyjson can do the same, and how can it be solved?

yyjson_read requires you to provide the exact length of the JSON data.
When you incorrectly add 1 to the length, an extra `\0 character is added to the end of the JSON data.
The JSON standard does not allow this character, and yyjson reports it as an error.

I tried taking YYJSON_WRITE_ESCAPE_UNICODE flag to the yyjson _read and successful

I tried taking YYJSON_WRITE_ESCAPE_UNICODE flag to the yyjson _read and successful

YYJSON_WRITE_ESCAPE_UNICODE should only be used for writing.
The flag should be YYJSON_READ_STOP_WHEN_DONE for yyjson_read.