
Image IDs of Test set images

YeahMao opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi PubLayNet Team,

Thank you for sharing the dataset. I am wondering is there a Json file (or a list of image id) of the Test set provided?

Hi YehMao,

Currently, there is no public ground truth for the test set. The ground truth is being reserved for the following ICDAR competition:

Hi YehMao,

Currently, there is no public ground truth for the test set. The ground truth is being reserved for the following ICDAR competition:

Hi ajjimeno,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I participated in this competition, and I am trying to make a submission. I can't pass the phase if I don't have the correct image IDs. Therefore, I am wondering how can I get the corresponding id of an image. For train and val, I saw the IDs by checking the "train.json" and "val.json" files. For the test set, is there an alternative way to find the image IDs?
