
with the updated cordova plugins w.r.t. push notifications not identified few of the libraries in xcode

vasuvuggu opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi All,
I have followed the following references for notifications w.r.t. ios,

during building that project in xcode i am facing few of the issues as follows,
1)line #import "XXXX-Swift.h"** in appdelete.m, - XXX-Swift.hfile not found
2)line import BMSCore,in CDVBMSClient.Swift - no such module 'BMSCore',
3)From xcode, Pods_XXX,Framework , in frameworks folder points to red in colour as well.
4)CDVBMSPush instance also unidentified -after clean & build it shows CDVBMSPush not defiend
5)& in the xcode/plugins folder some of the files have ended with .m,,.h & few with .swift extensions,

during xcode opens it asks for convert to swift version, but still i have discarded those changes & using
obejctive c only.
these issues i am facing, after plugins updates, which is used to work previously.


@vasuvuggu I think you are opening .xcodeproj after doing cordova prepare, please open the .xcworkspace of your project..
screen shot 2017-02-08 at 3 03 09 pm

thanks a lot for reply,
it resolves my issue.