
Version 3.3.2 does not compile with Swift 4.2

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The errors should be easy to fix:

Swift Compiler Error Group
/Developer/Woggle/Pods/BMSPush/Source/BMSLocalPush/BMSLocalPushNotification.swift:70:71: Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'UNNotificationSoundName'
/Developer/Woggle/Pods/BMSPush/Source/BMSPushClient.swift:984:54: 'UIApplicationState' has been renamed to 'UIApplication.State'
/UIKit.UIApplicationState:3:18: 'UIApplicationState' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
/Developer/Woggle/Pods/BMSPush/Source/BMSPushClient.swift:1170:81: 'UIApplicationDidBecomeActive' has been renamed to 'UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification'
/UIKit.NSNotification.Name:11:23: 'UIApplicationDidBecomeActive' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2

@kenlaws I have released a new version . Please try using the 3.4.2 .

It works! Thank you!