
API connect dev toolkit fails to start DataPower gateway

bmccann36 opened this issue · 3 comments

OS: Mac Catalina 10.15.7
Node version: 10.23.0 (using nvm)
IBM API-connect version: API Connect: v5.0.8.6-iFix (npm package verion: apiconnect v4.0.29)

I am trying to carry out the steps described in the api connect tutorial

I would like to use the API designer locally and test it using datapower gateway. I run into issues at the step where I hit the play button

play button

I always get this error

Service apiconnect started but did not initialize within the timeout period. Dumping log buffer. Invalid app (app is not a file or a directory ), try sl-run --help.

same thing happens when I run apic start to try to start the GW via the apic cli


  • I run apic edit
  • API-C console comes up in browser
  • I hit the play button to start the gateway, If docker images don't exist locally it downloads the base images and builds the images successfully

enter image description here

Building datapower-mgmt-server-lite
Successfully built 1cfea0880318
Successfully tagged ibm-apiconnect-toolkit/datapower-mgmt-server-lite:1.1.10
Building datapower-api-gateway
Successfully built 73fa564f22e6
Successfully tagged ibm-apiconnect-toolkit/datapower-api-gateway:1.1.10

but this is as far as I ever get, the Docker containers never start and thus API gateway never configures itself with the DP gateway. I see this error after a few seconds

enter image description here

It seems that the issue has to do the the package strongloop witch does the process management and coordinates among the processes

in .apiconnect/strong-pm/start.log I see:

Unexpected exit with 1 from Runner: commit apiconnect/local-directory
Start Runner: commit apiconnect/local-directory
Invalid app (app is not a file or a directory ), try `sl-run --help`.

the really odd thing is that I had it working a few days ago...
why it doesn't work now is my unsolved mystery

@tonyffrench @ozairs sorry to chase you all down for tech support,
Any idea what could be causing this? I've tried with a few of the other apiconnect npm package versions and can't get those to work either.

@ozairs thanks!