
Setup travisCI so that it runs the intern tests

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Setup travisCI so that it runs the intern tests

Also add Gruntfile to launch tests etc...

PR #12 contains files, that you wrote about. As far as I understand, travis.yml should be updated by real keys. Should I get these keys before merging? Can I perform merge with the current contents of the files?

please use:

secure: "FZs4G8KCBzSFkLbX8+Q/kY991lZMIownBGDa3NIK5AmfuO8HBnlJUzLcQcwyuMhaY1+LGxtxpQXOg8EGZHr7QDqLcOKUAE3rHxFPMnfD8bvGKTEu+/MQlZp5A8LlQTOCkCfrZjiPx41sEjdx1ZYHuyTdth0tS+R6X/45Azk7g9I="

secure: "UVUPC+hTPWfUl3cleK3BR2AF+dDT/oFHcW9UYP1i01VINHG017DIEwz9PXqeDDnL1/4ZbxERIUtvFzWnmAty5W9JvOL73mdUml8nOWEPTsa31FHFqCjKc1DihYbBJyCTGy+BP6tZ0hCjHZxIk4SIp4YD7idYbSBsH/KXzDf5BLY="

Looks like I screwed up with the keys because the build is failing... I'll try to fix that.

This is fixed now.