
Update documentation on IBM Cloud services

heather-fillerup-miller opened this issue · 5 comments

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Update IBM cloud credential/authentication instructions- currently found under left nav bar "Manage" -> "Credentials" -> Download

Update Neopixel instructions for Raspberry Pi 4 Fix from issue #211

initial draft of updating the Cloud Services documentation
Watson Services in IBM Cloud v3.docx

Need to add instructions for downloading credentials instead of just copy/paste. Then the plan will be:

  • 1. Convert the word doc to markdown
  • 2. Commit the markdown (+ images) to a new tjbot/docs folder
  • 3. For each recipe, update the credential instructions to point to the new credential instructions in the docs folder (and take you to the right anchored section)
  • 4. For bootstrap's README, also just point to the new credential instructions

We decided to move this info to the wiki, so closing this issue.