
Implement Assignment 5 Test Cases

Closed this issue · 2 comments


use IO::Socket::INET;
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

# we need arguments like:
# foo.pl group1 http://tango.cs.odu.edu:7100/a1-test/

die "usage $0 group baseURL" unless (@ARGV == 2);
$group = $ARGV[0];
$baseURL = $ARGV[1];

$score = 0;
($host,$port,$relativeURL) = &parse_baseURL($baseURL);


mkdir $group unless (-d "$group");
open (F,">>$group/log") || die "cannot open $group/log $i\n";
$time = scalar localtime;
print F "------------log begun on $time\n";

foreach $i (1..(@test-1)) {
	# replace with ETag from test #9
	if ($i == 17) {
		$test[$i] =~ s/REPLACEME/$etag/;

	print $socket $test[$i];
	@result = <$socket>;
	# grab an ETag from test #9
	if ($i == 9) {
		foreach $temp_line (@result) {
			if ($temp_line =~ /ETag: ".*"/) {
				$etag = $&;
				$etag =~ s/ETag: //g;
				$etag =~ s/"//g;
				print "hello\n";
				print "--- ETag for test 9 is $etag \n";
				print "world\n"
	# grab Digest Authorization values from test #3 and #9
	if (($i == 3) || ($i==9)) {
		foreach $temp_line (@result) {
			if ($temp_line =~ /nonce=\"[\w+|=]+\"/) {
				$nonce = $&;
				$nonce =~ s/nonce=\"//g;
				$nonce =~ s/\"//g;
			if ($temp_line =~ /opaque=\"\w+=*\"/) {
				$opaque = $&;
				$opaque =~ s/opaque=\"//g;
				$opaque =~ s/\"//g;
print "i = $i nonce = $nonce opaque = $opaque baseURL = $baseURL\n";
print F "i = $i nonce = $nonce opaque = $opaque baseURL = $baseURL\n";

                $cnonce = md5_hex("go hokies");
                $ncount1 = "00000001";
                $ncount2 = "00000002";
                $ncount3 = "00000003";
                $a1 = md5_hex("bda:Colonial Place:bda");
                $a2 = md5_hex("PUT:$baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt");
                $a2_GET = md5_hex("GET:$baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt");
                $a2_DELETE = md5_hex("DELETE:$baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt");
                $response1 = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount1:$cnonce:auth:$a2");
                $response2 = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount2:$cnonce:auth:$a2");
		$a2_rspauth = md5_hex(":$baseURL" . "limited2/foo/bar.txt");
		$response2_GET = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount2:$cnonce:auth:$a2_GET"); # for the failed #9 test
		$rspauth2 = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount2:$cnonce:auth:$a2_rspauth");
                $response3_GET = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount1:$cnonce:auth:$a2_GET");
		$rspauth3 = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount1:$cnonce:auth:$a2_rspauth");
                $response4_DELETE = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount2:$cnonce:auth:$a2_DELETE");
		$rspauth4 = md5_hex("$a1:$nonce:$ncount2:$cnonce:auth:$a2_rspauth");

print "i = $i response1 = $response1 response2 = $response2 response3 = $response3_GET response4 = $response4_DELETE\n";
print F "i = $i response1 = $response1 response2 = $response2 response3 = $response3_GET response4 = $response4_DELETE\n";
print "rspauth for PUT = $rspauth2, rspauth for GET = $rspauth3, rspauth = DELETE = $rspauth4\n";
print F "rspauth for PUT = $rspauth2, rspauth for GET = $rspauth3, rspauth = DELETE = $rspauth4\n";

		# re-init tests to put the values we calculated above back into the tests

close (F);


sub open_socket {
	$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new("$host:$port") 
		|| die "cannot open $host:$port $!";

sub close_socket {
	close ($socket);

sub save_result {
	open (O, ">$group/output.$i") || die "cannot open $group/output.$i $!\n";
	print O $test[$i];
	print O "----\n";
	print O @result;
	close (O);

sub check_result {
	my $temp = join("",@result);
	if ($temp =~ m#$results[$i]#) {
		print "test $i looks good -- probably +1 \n";
		print F "test $i looks good -- probably +1 \n";
	} else {
		print "test $i looks bad -- probably -1 \n";
		print F "test $i looks bad -- probably -1 \n";
	print "score = $score \n";
	print F "score = $score \n";


sub parse_baseURL {
	my ($url) = @_;
	my $host, $port, $relativeURL;
	# add prefix "http://" if it is missing
	if ($url !~ m#^http://#) {
		$url = "http://$url";
		# side-effect
		$baseURL = $url;

	# find the host
	$host = $url;
	$host =~ s#http://##;
	$host =~ s#:\d+/.*##;

	# find the relativeURL
	$relativeURL = $&;
	$relativeURL =~ s#:\d+##;
	# find the port
	$port = $&;
	$port =~ s#:##;

	print "h = $host p = $port r = $relativeURL \n";

sub init_tests {

# OPTIONS 401 & TRACE & OPTIONS 200, all methods
OPTIONS $baseURL"."limited3/protected HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker

TRACE $relativeURL" . "env.cgi?var1=foo&var2=bar HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port

OPTIONS $baseURL"."limited3/env.cgi HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Referer: $baseURL/index.html
Authorization: Basic amJvbGxlbjpqYm9sbGVu
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# various CGI scripts
GET $baseURL" . "status.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port

GET $baseURL" . "ls.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port

GET $baseURL" . "location.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# 401
# 500
GET $baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port

GET $baseURL" . "500.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# OPTIONS 200, no P/D
OPTIONS $baseURL"."env.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Connection: close


# DELETE 405
DELETE $relativeURL" . "index.html.denmark HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# PUT 405
PUT $baseURL"."limited1/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 63

here comes a PUT method

in text/plain format

hooray for PUT!

# PUT 200
PUT $baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Digest username=\"bda\", realm=\"Colonial Place\", uri=\"$baseURL"."limited4/foo/barbar.txt\", qop=auth, nonce=\"$nonce\", nc=$ncount1, cnonce=\"$cnonce\", response=\"$response1\"
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 65

here comes a PUT method

in text/plain format

hooray for PUT!!!

# PUT 201
PUT $baseURL"."limited3/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 63

here comes a PUT method

in text/plain format

hooray for PUT!

# GET 200 & GET 401 (new ETag, should not work)
GET $relativeURL" . "limited3/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Host: $host:$port

GET $baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Digest username=\"bda\", realm=\"Colonial Place\", uri=\"$baseURL"."limited4/foo/barbar.txt\", qop=auth, nonce=\"$nonce\", nc=$ncount2, cnonce=\"$cnonce\", response=\"$response2_GET\"
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# DELETE 200 & GET 404
DELETE $relativeURL" . "limited3/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Host: $host:$port

GET $relativeURL" . "limited3/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# PUT 401
# GET 401

PUT $relativeURL" . "limited2/test.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 63

here comes a PUT method

in text/plain format

hooray for PUT!
GET $relativeURL" . "limited3/foobar.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Authorization: Basic alsdkfjlasjd
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# GET 200 and DELETE 200
GET $baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Digest username=\"bda\", realm=\"Colonial Place\", uri=\"$baseURL"."limited4/foo/barbar.txt\", qop=auth, nonce=\"$nonce\", nc=$ncount1, cnonce=\"$cnonce\", response=\"$response3_GET\"
Host: $host:$port

DELETE $baseURL" . "limited4/foo/barbar.txt HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Digest username=\"bda\", realm=\"Colonial Place\", uri=\"$baseURL"."limited4/foo/barbar.txt\", qop=auth, nonce=\"$nonce\", nc=$ncount2, cnonce=\"$cnonce\", response=\"$response4_DELETE\"
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# GET query string
GET $relativeURL" . "env.cgi?var1=foo&var2=bar HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# GET 401
GET $relativeURL" . "limited3/env.cgi?var1=foo&var2=bar HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close


# POST application/x-form-www-urlencoded
POST $relativeURL" . "limited3/env.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Content-Type: application/x-form-www-urlencoded
Content-Length: 18


# POST multipart/form-data
POST $relativeURL" . "limited3/env.cgi HTTP/1.1
Host: $host:$port
Authorization: Basic YmRhOmJkYQ==
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------4739460061587540926829627201 
Content-Length: 295

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"userinput\"

test 1 2 3
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"domain\"



sub init_results {

$results[1]="HTTP/1.1 401";
$results[2]="HTTP/1.1 678";
$results[3]="HTTP/1.1 401";
$results[4]="Allow: ";
$results[5]="HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed";
$results[6]="HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed";
$results[7]="HTTP/1.1 201 Created";
$results[8]="HTTP/1.1 201 Created";
$results[9]="HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
$results[10]="HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
$results[11]="HTTP/1.1 401";
$results[12]="HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
$results[13]="CS 531-F18 A5 automated Checker";
$results[14]="HTTP/1.1 401";


@phonedude can you briefly describe potential assertions to test against each test case? This time there are too many pipeline requests and I am not very sure what to check for in each case.

PR #41 has request and response setup ready, but still needs assertions to be added.