
Documentaion for installing it incorrect for version 2.1

sukima opened this issue · 2 comments

The docs provide the following instructions:

  • Download timimi-2-1-1-Mac from Github
  • Run it by double clicking [If your OS asks for confirmation, choose "Run"].

However, the timimi-2-1-1-Mac is not an executable or run-able file. double clicking causes the file to open in TextEdit and looks like a script.

Running the script from the command line works. But this does not follow the instructions in the documentation.

I will update the docs.

This does not seem to be updated. What is the command line verbatim? I seem to have succeeded by

  1. navigating in Terminal to the directory holding the script
  2. typing chmod +x timimi-2-1-1-Mac and then pressing return.
  3. typing sh timimi-2-1-1-Mac and then pressing return.