
Install Instructions Chrome / Vivaldi AND timimi-2-1-1-Linux excecution

ognibest opened this issue · 0 comments

my setup for my tiddlywiki-files on Vivaldi / Chrome with Linux Fedora German worked after some trouble:

First part of Instructions was ok:
Install timimi addon from Chrome Web Store
In your chrome browser, open More Tools > Extensions > Timimi > Details
Ensure that Allow access to file URLs is checked.
This worked well

Second part of instructions had some issue:
Download timimi-2-1-1-Linux from Github
Run it by double clicking [If your OS asks for confirmation, choose "Run"].
Select the appropriate browser when asked.

When doublecklicking my texteditor gedit opened, went into the run routine after a while and then displayed an error message with context error about character encoding UTF-8.

My way to get it running:

Downloaded the file for Chrome timimi-2-1-1-Linux into my Download-Directory

Changed the name of the file with adding suffix .sh to become timimi-2-1-1-Linux.sh

Opened Terminal and went by command line to the location of the file

cd /home/username/Downloads/

Execute permission on the script with

chmod +x timimi-2-1-1-Linux.sh

Run the script with


Then the script was running as intended where I had to select the browser in usage by using the arrow keys
The script finished Installation without errors.
"Have a great Day"
and since then my tiddlywiki-files run in Vivaldi/ Chrome on Linux Fedora.
Thank you and stay safe.