
Apt-get Install in debian

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I installed the package on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
(I believe) withh apt-get Install (or only apt Install, dont know)

But in Debian the package is not found (Stretch), even not when googling it.

Is there a way to Install it that way?
Is there a reason that it is not in the repo of debian?

I am trying to use it with bitwarden_rs

you need to clone the repo and build the package then move it to /opt/bin

There's a build.sh file to help you build it

I gave up on trying to use this and instead just used docker by itself.

You can user a flag to make your container stay on and restart after a system reboot.

First, make sure docker is started and enabled to start on boot

systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker

then add this flag when starting your container or in your docker-compose.yaml file

--restart unless-stopped


No need to build it, just download the latest release here.

Note: You'll need to make the file executable (chmod +x) and place the full path in the systemd.service file.