
Automatic Bars Patcher for sound files + problems.

JKDos opened this issue · 1 comments

JKDos commented

ABP = Automatic Bars Patcher

So there's 2 things to address here.

  1. The ABP asks for the Original BWAV file. This is a problem because only Stream/BGM really have original BWAVs. Sound effects for everything in the game exist only in the respective BARS files.

I wrote a Python script that will parse a BARS file and extract all BWAVs, so I actually got my hands on what is technically THE original BWAV file to satisfy the ABP.

  1. Whether using ABP or the old online one here (https://smashcustommusic.net/onlinetools/bars-patcher/), the newly patched BARS file does not include my custom BWAV. It contains what appears to be the original BWAV file.....however, it's distorted sounding.

Since ABP asks for an original BWAV, what is the appropriate way to patch BARS files for sound effects? If I did it correctly by extracting the BWAV from the BARS file and feeding it to ABP, what is the cause for the new BARS file not including the new BWAV file, but a distorted copy of the original?

This BARS patcher was only written to replace the headers of BWAV files stored in BARS archives, as a solution to replacing standalone BWAV files with custom ones, in games where the game reads BWAV headers from a BARS archive that contains only the headers of the corresponding files, while continuing to read the actual audio data from the standalone BWAV files. It was not intended for replacing entire BWAV files stored in BARS archives. However, once I find the time, I might implement this functionality.