Validation of timezone ID
Closed this issue · 1 comments
The timezone ID is an important parameter to the CalDateTime
CTORs. That's why it should be validated.
For a trial I modfied the initializer like this:
private void Initialize(DateOnly dateOnly, TimeOnly? timeOnly, string? tzId)
if (tzId != null)
if (DateUtil.GetZone(tzId, false) is null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid time zone ID: {tzId}", nameof(tzId));
// other code
and ran the unit tests with 6 failures in DateTimeSerializer.Deserialize(...)
as followss:
- Timezone ID "大阪、札幌、東京" (Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo) was accepted instead of
- Timezone ID "Sarajewo, Skopie, Warszawa, Zagrzeb" was accepted instead of
- Timezone ID "Beijing" was accepted instead of
also explicitly accepts "US-Eastern" instead of US/Eastern
, commented with "US/Eastern is commonly represented as US-Eastern".
Conclusions so far:
should always verify the timezone argumentDateTimeZone GetZone(string tzId, bool useLocalIfNotFound = true)
should not take "local timezone" if not foundIANA
timezones should be the ones we accept. TBD: alsoWindows TimeZoneInfo
What do you think?
That's a tricky one. People might be using the lib just for parsing/writing calendar files. In that case its not required that Ical.Net knows the actual tzId. Actually there can be fully legit cases where users of the lib use their own IDs. As the RFC requires the VTIMEZON to be part of a valid calendar, this is perfectly fine. For that reason I think we should not generally verify the tzid. Only when we use it for generating the recurrences or doing tz-related calculations we need to verify it, but in that case its done anyways I think.
Generally speaking I think we should be lenient with users' inputs as far as possible. The lib should not be responsible for sanitization. If we are to strict, the lib might not stop working together with other libs that might slightly deviate from the RFC.