
No names on side-bar files

jeanCarloMachado opened this issue · 11 comments

I installed the package from Package Control and it came this way.


Did you restart? I'm not sure if this is a Sublime 3 issue, or something I have done wrong, but sometimes I see themes not working until I quit ST3 and relaunch it.

(After installing them initially, they work on subsequent launches)

Yes I did. I know the behaviour you describe, this is quite different - it appears to occur exclusively on this theme.

Some info:
Sublime Text Build 3064
Running on Archlinux

El Capitan specifies Helvetica Neue for most controls (else Sublime uses the default font, which for the OS X port is Lucida Grande). If I specify a non-existant font on OS X, it falls back to Lucida Grande. I'm wondering if the Linux port has an issue with the fallback.

Do you have Helvetica Neue installed on your system?

I had no Helvetica Neue on my minimal installation. So I tried to install it but after intalling (and updating fonts cache) same results.

I've just installed this theme and I've got the same error, I'm on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I tried to restart sublime text but nothing changes.

Have the same problem on Xubuntu 14.04
To solve this problem just download my version: https://github.com/ig0r74/El-Capitan-Theme

Thanks ig0r74! I'm wondering if the space in Helvetica Neue is causing some kind of issue on Linux.

Same issue here... No folder and file names in my sidebar.
❤️ the theme though.

I've added a new el_capitan_font_default setting. If set to true and you restart Sublime, no font will be set by the theme, which I believe will fix these issues.

Based on the feedback in #12, it sounds like el_capitan_font_default should fix this.