
GTK Symbol Error on Manjaro

SDLBugzilla opened this issue · 0 comments

This bug report was migrated from our old Bugzilla tracker.

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Reported in version: unspecified
Reported for operating system, platform: Linux, PC

Comments on the original bug report:

On 2020-02-06 16:19:43 -0500, Rohit Nirmal wrote:

Created attachment 3605
Patch to fix installers with GTK2 and GTK3 plugins in Manjaro

When an installer containing both GTK2 and GTK3 plugins is run in my Manjaro installation, I get the standard error about how their symbols can't coexist in the same process. The same installer, however, runs fine in my Ubuntu and Pop!_OS drives. Strangely, running the mojosetup binary and loading the plugins as loose files is fine on Manjaro. However, I got the same error when running the binary in /tmp/ (I ran into this by testing Edward Rudd's fork of MojoSetup that works with Makeself).

I attached a patch that currently addresses both issues in Manjaro, but I haven't tested it extensively in other distros.