
Limited light source mitigation options...

icculus opened this issue · 0 comments

There are only two serious light sources in the game: the lamp and the torch, and almost nowhere you can go without one of them with you. Discounting the mine (where the torch will cause an explosion), you still need to deal with more people than you have lights.

Here are some ideas.

  • First: the lamp's battery life should be multiplied for each connected player. It's 385 moves before it burns out, which is enough to speedrun the game, even if you don't turn it off when you get the torch, but it's way too short when each player's interaction is another move. The torch doesn't burn out (unless your submerge it or whatever, but that's on you).

  • There's currently a bug where users in a lit room remain "lit" until they travel to a new room, if the light source leaves. So someone can walk off with the lamp without the user having an immediately dire situation, if they need to do something before following the lamp holder. Like rocket-jumping in Quake, though, I think we should leave this unfixed as a new game mechanic.

  • There could be radius of light, where all rooms within X moves of the lamp or torch are considered lit. I wouldn't bother with it for the matches or candles. But there are also questions of things like "should a lamp in the Living Room light the dungeon below a closed trap door?"

  • We have exactly one more object slot: we could add a second lamp.