
Suggestion: Multiple tab rows

raymondsalas opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @mattpass , haven't checked the codes on how complex this would be, but I'm thinking that it would be great if we can have multiple tab rows if tabs would reach a certain number (e.g. 10 tabs per row). Thought of this since if I open like 15 tabs, it's kind of hard to see the file names and easily keep track which tab is where. Plus it's a bit harder to drag and reposition the tabs. Of course, this experience will vary depending on the screen size. Just another thought. Feel free to close if unecessary.

I think other editors fall into 3 categories - squash the tabs (as ICEcoder does), scroll the tabs, or stack the tabs into multiple rows.

All of them have pros and cons I think. Squashed tabs are hard to use when you have many, scrolling is a pain and stacking is awkward if you close one and they shift about.

I'm OK to consider adding options for squash, scroll or stack and let the user choose. May not be done anytime soon, but a good idea to offer this.