
Project Showcase

justinmoon opened this issue Β· 60 comments

Let's make a collection of real projects build with Iced.


Airshipper (Repo)

Video game launcher

  • Client / server desktop app

Tolstack (Repo)

Run engineering simulations

  • File picker


Iced Hotswap Prototype (Repo)

Hot UI reloading prototype

I think this is using iced:

hecrj commented

iced_audio by @BillyDM

An extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications such as VST / LV2 plugins.


hecrj commented

Space Engineers Calculator by @Gohla β€” Demo

Calculator for designing Space Engineers ships.

No Limit Hold Em Trainer
Been hacking on this for a few days after I discovered iced. The range editor is a custom widget.

gr211 commented

Authenticator-rs is a TOTP-MFA application written in Rust using Iced.


hecrj commented

IceCHIP8 by @Ace4896

A CHIP-8 interpreter written in Rust.


I am doing a World of Warcraft addon manager for Windows, macOS and Linux.
I am using Iced as GUI framework ❄️

Screenshot 2021-05-12 at 15 59 03

Ajour - A World of Warcraft addon manager written in Rust.

hecrj commented

Cryptowatch Desktop

Cryptowatch Desktop

Cryptowatch Desktop is an application that allows you to create and customize dashboards to track cryptocurrency markets in real-time.

Here are some technical highlights:

  • The application is completely built on top of iced.

  • The Elm Architecture fits the reactive nature of a market tracker very well. We use a WebSocket subscription powered by async-tungstenite to keep a single source of truth up-to-date. This source of truth is safely shared between all the different modules in the application thanks to the borrow checker.

  • Performance is great! The application is designed to stay open for long periods of time and have a small CPU and memory footprint. Memory usage tends to stay between 50-60MB.

  • The application uses the built-in PaneGrid widget as its foundation. However, some of the modules use custom Widget implementations to optimize layout and draw operations, instead of nesting many widgets.

  • Charts are drawn using the Canvas widget, which is powered by lyon.

  • Windows, macOS, and Linux are supported.

  • The application has been accepted in the Mac App Store.

If you want to try it, Cryptowatch Desktop is available for free:

Both the monoz repo and demo links are broken

Both the monoz repo and demo links are broken

Deleted them


Onagre is a configurable app launcher inspired by rofi and alfred. It still a work in progress and I am learning iced with this project.

iced_aw - Iced Additional Widgets

I'm currently working on a study project by implementing more custom widgets for iced.


Currently planned widgets are:

  • Badge
  • Floating Action Button
  • Card
  • Modal
  • Date Picker
  • Time Picker
  • Color Picker

Every widget will be behind a feature gate. This allows you to cherrypick the widgets you actually need for your project, without including the ones you don't.

It will also contain my TabBar and Tabs widgets mentioned in #578 and some a predefined color palette based on the CSS color palette.

SMMDB Client - A save file editor for Super Mario Maker 2.

This software lets you easily download courses from SMMDB and puts them directly into your selected save file.
It will automatically detect your Yuzu and Ryujinx save folder, but you can also manually select any SMM2 save file on your system.

hecrj commented


Simple and secure TOTP token generator application.


vi commented

Is there a 7GUIs' tasks implementation in Iced?

Icy Matrix

Work in progress Matrix client.

A vehicle diagnostics tool:

More specifically, the GUI App element of that project:
The repo itself contains a lot of other rust tools.
(I am the author)

loadavg_gui - system monitor of load average is here!


Neothesia also uses iced, only for main menu, but it is still an essential part of the project, so I'm sharing it here 😁

OctaSine is a VST2-compatible frequency modulation synthesizer that just received its first proper release, v0.5.0!


  • Four operators with independent parameters such as volume, panning, modulation index, feedback, three different frequency modifiers (ratio, free and fine) and ADSR volume envelope parameters. The operators can be independently switched to white noise mode
  • Flexible routing allowing setting the output operator (with some limitations) as well as the percentage of signal that is simply added to the final output, enabling additive synthesis. By default, operator 4 is routed to operator 3, operator 3 to operator 2 and operator 2 to operator 1.
  • Master volume and master frequency parameters
  • Four LFOs capable of targeting most operator parameters as well as most parameters of lower index LFOs.
  • 128 voices
  • Fully automatable


OctaSine GUI

Shoutouts to BillyDM for iced_baseview and iced_audio, both of which are important to the project.

Lembas is a plugin manager for the game "Lord of the Rings Online". It's still in it's alpha stage. You can install, update or delete plugins.


Lembas is a plugin manager for the game "Lord of the Rings Online". It's still in it's alpha stage. You can install, update or delete plugins.

I can see certain similarities to Ajour, @mawilms πŸ˜‰ (see: #355 (comment))

Lembas is a plugin manager for the game "Lord of the Rings Online". It's still in it's alpha stage. You can install, update or delete plugins.

I can see certain similarities to Ajour, @mawilms wink (see: #355 (comment))

Hey casper! Absolutely! Your plugin manager was the inspiration for it! It's my first iced and public Rust project and the simplicity of the layout was the reason why I tried to build something like this. So it would be a straight lie to say that the layout wasn't inspired by Ajour 😯
I added this to the Special thanks mentioning. Thanks for the hint!

I am using Iced for my tilemap editor:


Its currently without much styling.

I am using Iced for the GUI components of ENSnano a software for editing 3D DNA nanostructures.

Here is a screenshot of the software

And here is an Atomic Force Microscope image of a DNA nanostructure designed using ENSnano

(in spoiler in order to not flood this thread)


More information about DNA nanostructures and ENSnano can be found on my blog post introducing ENSnano and on the ENSnano website

@thenlevy I wish there was a mind blown reaction. That's super cool!

Very early days, but I shall be using ICED again for OpenStar, which is designed to be an opensource re-implementation of Daimler/Mercedes Benz's car diagnostic suite.

Previously I have used it for OpenVehicleDiag, which is a general ECU / car diagnostic suite.

Local Native Own your bookmarks on your device.


iced_focus - A focus chain for iced applications

This crates adds a procedural macro to derive a focus chain for your application state. This allows the user of your iced application to swap the focus between the input fields of your user interface using Tab and Shift+Tab. The order of the focus chain will be derived of the order of the fields of your state. The crate iced_focus serves as a workaround until iced provides it's own focusing.

use iced::text_input;
use iced_focus::Focus;

struct Example {
    text: String,
    text_input: text_input::State,

If desired, I can also move the repository to the iced-rs organization.

Linkage - Typing tutor

  • Starts with a small character set and adds letters as you gain proficiency
  • Supports multiple user profiles and keyboard layouts
  • Theme switching
  • Fully local data



I feel free to add my small application for controlling a hardware synthesizer.
Most parts of developing went flawlessly, there are a few issues in the tracker that hopefully can be addressed in the future by either improving the iced framework or me getting more into it.

Loqui (formerly Crust) (a chat app)


(see here for more screenshots) (roadmap here)

0x192 commented

Universal Android Debloater

Cross-platform ADB GUI wrapper helping you to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.

@mawilms & @casperstorm
A huge thanks for the inspiration! πŸ’œ

v0 5 0

Offline chess puzzles

Is a very simple tool I made to filter and practice chess tactics offline using the lichess puzzle database.

The Iced gui is based on the gui example of the project "chess-engine", so thanks to Adam there, and of course to the iced devs here, it was really fun working with it :)



I built this to learn more about iced, iced_audio, and signal processing. I was inspired by OctaSine and hope to build a VST with iced in the near future.


PWDuck πŸ¦†

A little duck πŸ¦† protecting your passwords. The passwords are stored in a folder, acting as a Vault, locally on your filesystem. The vault contains multiple files. Each file represents one passwords. With this file based storing, the passwords can be easily synchronized between multiple devices using a synchronization of your choice.


enclone visual

The site now has "enclone visual",, live as "alpha" software, for Macs. This is a tool for understanding immunology (including antibodies), targeted at researchers. Of course it is powered by iced! In the picture below, every dot is a B cell, and every hexagonal cluster is a "clonotype", all the cells descended from a fully rearranged common ancestor via somatic hypermutation. The cells are colored by the expression level of the immune receptor gene IGHV3-7.



Simple text file comparison tool:

Simple Flasher

A cross-platform GUI application that allows you to install firmware on your esp8266 with one button.

I've released a new version of my frequency modulation synth plugin OctaSine, with a redesigned UI running on iced 0.4 πŸ₯³

Light mode:


Dark mode:


lufte commented

I'm building a Gemini browser with Iced, with vim-like modes and keyboard navigation as seen in Vimium or qutebrowser.


Source available here.

First of all, thanks for having developed iced!

I used iced to develop a GUI for Sniffnet, a network analyser completely written in Rust.

The result honestly looks amazing!

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 21 16 43

Just released the first version of jstation-controller: a cross-platform controller for the J-Station guitar and bass modeling and effect processing system. The GUI uses iced and iced_audio.

It's been a while since the device is no longer manufactured, but I still use it almost every day.

jstation-controller UI

Is there a 7GUIs' tasks implementation in Iced?

@vi I have implemented the first five tasks. Custom widgets are beyond me at the moment.

x86y commented

I used Iced to create a repl-like editor for an array programming language BQN
It's quite early in development, but I think I'll be sticking with Iced as I add more features


Thanks a lot to the team for developing iced.

Recently had the first release of Stableview, a head tracker application using webcam & deep learning inference through onnx, mainly for flight simulators.


Thanks a lot to the team for developing iced.

Recently had the first release of Stableview, a head tracker application using webcam & deep learning inference through onnx, mainly for flight simulators.


@Shubhamai it's awesome to see that you took inspiration from Sniffnet!
Thanks for the shoutout and good luck with Stableview!

llpk79 commented

I'm new to Rust and using GUI frameworks and found Iced to be well documented and easy to learn. Awesome!

What started as just a learning exercise turned out a useful little tool!
Since When is for tracking the time since and between events.


found out about this thread.

i made an installer for some useful minecraft mods so my friends could get them more easily.



Series Troxide

A simple and modern series tracker developed using Iced.

Dark Theme


Light Theme


Watchlist Tab


My Shows Tab


Statistics Tab



A download manager and accelerator built with Rust and iced.



  • Resumable Downloads: Allow interrupted downloads to be resumed from where they left off, providing users with a seamless experience even after network disruptions.
  • Download Acceleration: Utilize various techniques, like parallel connections and intelligent resource allocation, to accelerate downloads.
x86y commented

I'm working on a trading terminal that only supports Binance for now


Terminal emulator widget powered by ICED framework and alacritty terminal backend.


Screenshot from 2024-01-14 22-46-05
Screenshot from 2024-01-14 22-53-57

Amphitheatre Desktop

Amphitheatre Desktop is an open source application that enables you to interact with Amphitheatre using a GUI instead of the command line or a web browser.

ζˆͺ屏2024-01-08 19 36 34
ζˆͺ屏2024-01-08 19 33 18

Amphitheatre Desktop encourages you and your team to collaborate using best practices with Amphitheatre. You can use Amphitheatre Desktop to facilitates continuous development of applications and microservices. You can iterate your application source code locally, then deploy to a local or remote Kubernetes cluster, just like docker build && kubectl apply or docker-compose up.


Plugin-first application launcher with React-based plugins. React allows to define your own renderers, so I created a plugin system with plugins written in ordinary TypeScript (using Deno as JavaScript runtime) that uses React and renders the view to native UI in form of iced-rs. You get the convenience of writing plugins in TypeScript without overhead of Electron.


Simplemoji 😁

An application where you can have all the emojis with easy and quick access


A WIP music player written with rust and iced.
