
Submit with enter-press is not working if datepicker is inside form tag

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi icehaunter,

great work on this component! However, I noticed an issue with this component. If it is being placed inside a form, it is not possible anymore to submit the form with a press of enter.

<form v-on:submit.prevent="save">
   <datepicker v-model="foo"/>
   <input type="text" v-model="bar">
   <button type="submit">Speichern</button>

This form can only be submitted by pressing the button. However, if I move the datepicker component above the opening form tag, I can submit the form if the text input is focused and I press enter.

Hello! I'm not sure how you want this to be handled, given that the input is readonly by default, and clicking enter just closes the picker. Would you like a onEnter event to listen to?

Hey, the problem is that if the datepicker component is present inside a form tag, the rest of inputs no longer react to enter keypress, as a workaround I set a ref for the form and add @keyup.enter="formEl!.requestSubmit()" to the form, losing the enter event of the component but at least keeping the submit on enter key for the rest of the form.

Sorry, my issue description wasn't clear enough. As @Laripoli says, the issue is not if the datepicker is opened. The issue is that I cannot submit the form with enter if the input=text control is focused.