

Closed this issue · 2 comments


could you please provide a sample for hiding the tutorial view?

The buttons don't seem to be connected to the delegate yet (didClickOnButton1), but I would prefer an option to hide the tutorial view by swiping right like seen at

Thanks and best regards

Hi muuuh.

The component is a UIViewController, you can easily use it within a UINavigationController (and hidding the UINavigationBar) then just present or dismiss the controller with :

[self presentViewController:<#(UIViewController *)#> animated:<#(BOOL)#> completion:<#^(void)completion#>]
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:<#(BOOL)#> completion:<#^(void)completion#>]

The buttons are currently working with blocks, I got a pull request to implement a delegate. If you want to use blocks, just proceed like this :

// Set button 1 action.
[self.viewController setButton1Block:^(UIButton *button){
    NSLog(@"Button 1 pressed.");

// Set button 2 action, stop the scrolling.    
__unsafe_unretained typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self.viewController setButton2Block:^(UIButton *button){
    NSLog(@"Button 2 pressed.");
    NSLog(@"Auto-scrolling stopped.");

    [weakSelf.viewController stopScrolling];

Thank you for your explanation!