Swift code does not generating when calling kSwift{moduleName}Podspec task
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Pschsch commented
According to plugin code, it adds action to the link task responsible for swift code generation
linkTask.doLast(PostProcessLinkTask(framework, processor, kSwiftExtension))
Then, registering a task, which is responsible for podspec generation and also depend on link task
project.tasks.create(podspecTaskName, KSwiftPodspecTask::class) {
it.linkTask = linkTask
it.kSwiftExtension = kSwiftExtension
But if I call kSwift{moduleName}Podspec task directly on macOS system, there are no generated swift files. To generate it, i should manually call syncFramework task with the declared parameters like in the shared module podspec's buildscript. Is that expected behavior or maybe am I doing something wrong?