
bluetoothd didnit start on boot

VergilGao opened this issue · 6 comments

after a reboot, i called bluetoothctl

$ bluetoothctl
Waiting to connect to bluetoothd...

then, i start the bluetooth manually

$ /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start
Starting Bluetooth services:  bluetoothd hciconfig sdptool hciattach
$ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[��CHG��] Controller **** Pairable: yes
[��CHG��] Controller **** Discovering: yes
[��NEW��] Device ****
[��NEW��] Device ****
[��NEW��] Device ****
[��NEW��] Device ****
[��NEW��] Device ****
[��NEW��] Device ****

i think i can use user-scripts to call /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start to fix it.

@VergilGao this is just default behavior on Unraid because the package is installed after the rc.bluetooth would kick in, that's why it doesn't start automatically.

You don't need a user-script, just put something like this in your go file (before emhttp is started):

# Start Bluetooth
/etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start

and you should be good to go.

another problem
ncurses must install before tmux, is there any way to ensure it ?

The packages are usually installed in alphabetical order and in this specific case this should not be an issue.
But when installing the packages is it really that important?
On Slackware or better speaking in un-get is no dependency check in place and even if something is missing that prevents tmux from running it should be also safe to install ncurses after tmux as long as nothing is calling tmux in the meantime or does the tmux package modify something that is installed with ncurses?

EDIT: Do you know that ncurses v6.3 comes pre-installed with Unraid 6.11.1?

Do you know that ncurses v6.3 comes pre-installed with Unraid 6.11.1?

sorry about that

i found my TERM variable was screen in tmux, thats the reason. i change it to xterm-256color then fix the problem.

Glad that you got it solved. 😃

Anyways, on Slackware or at least with un-get it should be no issue since there is no dependency checking in place and even if a package is installed which depends on a package which is installed later it should be no issue.

Can this issue then be closed?

Glad that you got it solved. 😃

Anyways, on Slackware or at least with it should be no issue since there is no dependency checking in place and even if a package is installed which depends on a package which is installed later it should be no issue.un-get

Can this issue then be closed?

thank you. i will close this issue.