
svgo upgrade to 3.0.2?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Since the current version of svgo doesn't use native stable sort, maybe you could consider upgrading to svgo 3.0.2? It does require node.js 14+, so that may be a breaking change depending on how you run it.
Another bonus is that types are now included since 3.0.2.



Expected to see many errors, but surprisingly there were just few minor issues. Didn't notice any difference in SVGO behaviour.

It will be published as 2.2.0-beta.1 version later, currently fighting with SvelteKit demo that just refuses to work and throws bunch of illogical errors.

After testing it on icon sets updater script, that wasn't such a good idea. Version 3 doesn't fix any bugs, but it did introduce a new bug: plugin for replacing ids no longer works correctly.

It will stay as beta until SVGO 3 bugs are fixed or I'll add workarounds for those bugs.

Fixed all issues with SVGO 3, released 2.2.0 as stable.