
@Iconify/tools isnot compatible with vite-plugin-dynamic-import

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I use vite-plugin-dynamic-import in my Vue+Vite project. and also, the @iconify-vue is used. During the build of project, the following error appears:

'promises' is not exported by __vite-browser-external, imported by node_modules/@iconify/tools/lib/misc/scan.mjs

apparently , the @iconify/tool is not compatible with the plugin.

How can handle this issue?

You are probably using old version of Node or @types/node

Also that file should not be bundled. @iconify/tools package is server only, not for bundles.

You are probably using old version of Node or @types/node
I use latest version of both of them. It fails during build

Are you attempting to bundle it for browser?

Are you attempting to bundle it for browser?

I just run the command "npm run build" in Vite. It worked well, but when i used the vite-plugin-dynamic-import, this issue occured. Also, it has not any problems during runnnig 'npm run dev'

What environment are you bundling for? Node or browser?

That's a very important part. If you are building for browser, you can't do that because fs is not available in browser. If you are building for Node, then its a bug in vite-plugin-dynamic-import.

Yes, the vite-plugin-dynamic-import has bug when Vite using this plugin.