
Example appears to be out of date

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The Example in the README appears to be out of date.

These imports don't exist in utils 2.x:

import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import { importDirectory } from '@iconify/tools/lib/import/directory';
import { cleanupSVG } from '@iconify/tools/lib/svg/cleanup';
import { runSVGO } from '@iconify/tools/lib/optimise/svgo';
import { parseColors, isEmptyColor } from '@iconify/tools/lib/colors/parse';

What are the new ones? 😊

They do exist.

utils 2.x

Maybe you have confused Iconify Utils and Iconify Tools? These are different packages for different purposes.

You are totally right. I'm not sure how I ended up here!