
Line awesome class is false !!

lucrampro opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi all, i open this issue because i use Line awesome with Nuxt.js and i had a probleme.

in Line awesome website ( https://icons8.com/line-awesome ) for use icon they show you a exemple like this
<i class="las la-angle-right"></i>
but this DOES NOT WORK !! for use this class you do replace the name class like this
<i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i>
i dont know why just i want help you :)

EDIT: I know why class doesn't work !! because in cdn css file (https://maxst.icons8.com/vue-static/landings/line-awesome/font-awesome-line-awesome/css/all.min.css) the name class is not .la,.lab,.lad,.lal,.lar,.las but is .fa,.fab,.fad,.fal,.far,.fas

I do believe that .fa,.fab,.fad,.fal,.far,.fas classes belong to Font Awesome, not Line.

Yes im okay with you but in css file of line awesome the classe's name start with .fa,.fab,.fad,.fal,.far,.fas

@lucrampro You're using the CDN link that is for converting from FA to LA while not having to update your element classes. If you're starting a new project from scratch you should use https://maxst.icons8.com/vue-static/landings/line-awesome/line-awesome/1.3.0/css/line-awesome.min.css .

Understandable mistake because the how-to puts the conversion link first.

I have a similar issue. I am on a new project and using https://maxst.icons8.com/vue-static/landings/line-awesome/line-awesome/1.3.0/css/line-awesome.min.css as CDN. Still, some icons are not loading. for example class="las la-eye" is not accessible.

and if I change it to class="fas fa-eye" then it works

Hello @yasiryc. Can you please reproduce the issue in a sandbox so we can investigate it?
I've just tested on a small HTML file and it works.