
Remove hard coded in who you can share query with ..

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When you create a query, you have the ability to share the query with other users. Currently the names that appear in the drop down for sharing is hard coded to 4 names:


This enhancement would be to add an agent to the dqlexplorer.nsf (like was done for the getdatabases agent) or a page (like was done for the getuser page) , that will get a list of all individuals in the ACL for dqlexplorer.nsf and return a json object to the app in the form of

    "key": 1,
    "imageInitials": "AM",
    "text": "Andrew Manby",
    "secondaryText": "Director, Product Management",
    "tertiaryText": "CN=Andrew Manby/O=MyOrg"
    "key": 2,
    "imageInitial"s: "DP",
    "text": "Dimitri Prosper",
    "secondaryText": "Developer",
    "tertiaryText": "CN=Dimitri Prosper/O=MyOrg"
    "key": 3,
    "imageInitials": "LG",
    "text": "Luis Guirigay",
    "secondaryText": "Technical Leader",
    "tertiaryText": "CN=Luis Guirigay/O=MyOrg"
    "key": 4,
    "imageInitials": "SG",
    "text": "Scott Good",
    "secondaryText": "Designer",
    "tertiaryText": "CN=Scott Good/O=MyOrg"

This object can then be used in the src/components/querybuilder/PeoplePicker.js component to make the names available in the above drop down.