
Wrong number of search results is displayed when no document have been found

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If the query returns no results, the number of matching documents should be 0 instead of a random(?) number ( always 143 in my environment )

Server console shows

[018518:000012-00007F2861CA7700] 03/09/2019 06:59:29 AM Agent message: timeType = '1'
[018518:000012-00007F2861CA7700] 03/09/2019 06:59:29 AM Agent 'runDQLQuery' error: Domino Query execution error: Entry not found in index - validation error Error validating field name (field not defined) - [timeType] (Call hint: NIFFindByKeyExtended2, Core call #0) ******************

Thank you for reporting, we've addressed that in a new release: https://github.com/icstechsales/dql-explorer/releases