
Ask emqx in game

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm a game developer, and emqx has the following application in my architecture :

  • Chat
  • Internal messaging middleware
  • Push notification

In this project, what are the advantages of using emqx as a gateway compared to the client directly connecting to the gateway service?

id commented

the client directly connecting to the gateway service?

@jostar-y which gateway service do you mean?

I built my own gateway service. The gateway is a unified entry for external clients. It is responsible for client connection and data parse and forwarding between the client and server.

id commented

Well, here EMQX is the gateway service. It does a lot of heavy lifting so that I don't have to.

In addition to what you have mentioned about gateway service functionality, it also handles authentication and authorization, and can support different transport protocols and a lot of concurrent clients out of the box.