
Any plans on moving string allocation inside TypedBuilder?

alekspickle opened this issue · 4 comments

It'll just be nice to use it like this:

let type = Type::builder().field1("value");

Instead of adding to_string\to_owned each time.

Try this:

struct Type {
    field1: String

mo8it commented

I can confirm that #[builder(setter(into))] works. The issue can be closed.

mo8it commented

@alekspickle In this case, I would actually recommend using Cow<'a, str> to avoid unneeded allocations:

use std::borrow::Cow;
use typed_builder::TypedBuilder;

struct CowHolder<'a> {
    s: Cow<'a, str>,

fn check_cow(cow: Cow<str>) {
    match cow {
        Cow::Borrowed(s) => println!("Borrowed: {}", s),
        Cow::Owned(s) => println!("Owned: {}", s),

fn main() {
    let borrowed_cow = CowHolder::builder().s("Muuuh").build();
    let owned_cow = CowHolder::builder().s(format!("{:u<10}h", "M")).build();


Borrowed: Muuuh
Owned: Muuuuuuuuuh

Works for me, but arguably can be easier. 😬