
Node Help

parker789 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey, first off - I'm new to vim debugging! I've been using vim for a few years, but honestly never tried to customize things to work with language servers like VSCode does. I'm trying to change that around and give your debugger a go for NodeJS debugging.. but I'm a bit lost.

In VSCode I need to start my server using the --inspect flag, npm start --inspect which will exec my startup script and also debugging server listening on ws:// and then I need to attach to that within VSCode.. it all works fine.

If possible I'd like to mimic this with your tool inside vim. I'm trying :VBGstartNInspect src/app.js but its not working - anyway you can give me some help?

Anyone successfully using this with an attached node debugger?

@parker789 Did you find a solution?

@opensourcegeek no, and I unfortunately stopped working on a vim solution

@parker789 Ok, I've got the inspect to start and stops at the breakpoint, I'm currently having trouble to "eval" any expression though!