
Jenkins test reports using Django

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Jenkins test reports using Django


Prepare a Python 2.7.x virtualenv and activate it.


# Clone
git clone git@github.com:idanmo/jetere.git

# Install

# Create a superuser
./manage.py createsuperuser


  • Point your browser to: http://localhost:8000/admin
  • Login using superuser.
  • Add a Configuration object with your jenkins server info.
  • Point your browser to: http://localhost:8000/admin
  • Create a Job object for each jenkins job you would like to generate test reports for.

Job object example:

  • name: aaa
  • jenkins_path: dir_system-tests/system-tests

Run the server

./manage.py run --sync

The --sync flag will automatically sync jetere with jenkins every 1 minute.

Happily browse to http://localhost:8000 and view your test reports.