
Voided transactions are processed as successful.

taylordaughtry opened this issue · 4 comments


The PayTrace API can return a 103 response, which is a voided transaction. The issue's arising from the fact that this response doesn't return an error key, so it's being processed as a successful transaction.

While there are differences between declining and voiding a transaction, for most situations it'd probably be a good idea to process a 103 response as unsuccessful.

It looks like a good portion of the adapter's assuming a successful response by checking the existence of the error key, which is causing an issue with 103 responses.

I'll check it out, thanks

@iddqdidkfa Do you think you'll be able to patch this sometime this week? If not, I can make those changes myself and submit a PR.

Let me know!

@taylordaughtry if you still wanna make a PR, I'll be glad to review and merge it.