
temp-sense generator fails with the latest tools

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The temperature sensor generator is having drc and lvs errors with the latest dependencies. Attached the work folder containing the reports and the final gds file.

The current official version of OpenFASOC has a syntax error in The if block that is opened in Line 26 is not closed. This causes an "unexpected end of file" error after Line 26. When i ran this on docker, the script stopped at Line 26 and didn't download anything that comes after (i.e., ngspice, klayout, xyce).

@michahn01 I don't think these both are related ? doesn't your PR majorily overwrites this file?

@michahn01 I don't think these both are related ? doesn't your PR majorily overwrites this file?

From what I've tested on Docker, installing OpenFASOC and running tempsensegen with my PR produces no error (clean DRC and LVS). For reference, here is the Docker file test case I used:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get install -y wget git python3 vim
RUN git clone

It's necessary to run export PATH=/usr/bin/miniconda3/bin:$PATH and export PDK_ROOT=/usr/bin/miniconda3/share/pdk/after running ~/OpenFASOC/ inside the Docker image.

Could you share the steps of your test case when you got those DRC and LVS errors? I'll try replicating the bugs you encountered.


Ah, I see that I was using 'conda_versions.txt' to install the dependencies.

I retested tempsensegen in Docker with the latest versions of dependencies, and as you said the drc and lvs failed. I'll try looking more into this and I'll let you know if I find anything.


I think the issue is with open_pdks.sky130a specifically. Using the latest version of any other package does not result in the error if open_pdks.sky130a is set to the safe version. The error happens only when using the latest version of open_pdks.sky130a.

Actual latest versions of dependencies:
Netgen: v1.5.253
Ngspice: v39.3
Klayout: v0.28.7
Yosys: v0.29+11
OpenROAD: v2.0-7559-gdf3bfc5a5
Open_pdks: v1.0.414
MAGIC: v8.3.398

Latest versions of packages available on LiteX-Hub:
Netgen: v1.5.251 (on Linux)
Ngspice: v39.3
Klayout: v0.28.6 (on Linux)
Yosys: v0.27 (on Linux)
OpenROAD: v2.0_7681_g850238c2f (on Linux)
Open_pdks: v1.0.406
MAGIC: v8.3.389