
💡 Idea Byte Frontend with React & Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Idea Byte Frontend with React & Redux

Netlify Status

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Tech Stack

  • React: To component-based web application
    • React Helmet: To change the title when we change the page in Router
    • React Hot Reload: To reload the changes in development without full page reload
    • React Router: To manage multiple pages/routes of the application
  • Redux: To managing global state in store
    • Redux Devtools extension: To inspect all Redux behavior
    • Redux Logger: To log our actions in the console
    • Redux Thunk: To asynchronous operations in reducer
  • CSS in JS: To style the components without CSS file
    • Emotion: To style the components flexibly with styled or other ways
    • styled-components: To style the components with styled
  • Axios: To request/fetch data to/from the backend API server
  • bson-objectid: To mock an ObjectID as dummy data purpose
  • dayjs: To convert from any date to better formatted date
  • Draft.js: To make the textarea with WYSIWYG editor
  • Filestack: To upload and retrieve images
  • JWT Decoder: To decode JWT that is saved in the browserStorage


Run the create-env.sh script first, to copy .env.schema into .env.


Then you fill the env variables. To get the Filestack API Key, go to https://www.filestack.com then Sign Up Free for an account. After logged in, you can get your API Key.

After which, change your variable values.



yarn start

Then open http://localhost:3000.

This repo is configured to use react-app-rewired, not a regular react-scripts. The benefit is to hot reload the changes in the components quickly, without a full page reload.


yarn build
npm install -g serve
serve -s build

Then open http://localhost:5000.

In deployment server such as Netlify, this build process should run automatically and the port is assigned by them (not 5000).


You can use Netlify to deploy. After which, you have to configure the environment variables as well.


Project Development Steps

mkdir projectname-frontend
cd projectname-frontend

npm install -g create-react-app
create-react-app .
  • Make sure the React app setup is done.
  • Change the title in index.html
  • Delete all unnecessary contents and components
  • Start your React server
  • Commit and push your changes as necessary
  • Deploy on Netlify
  • Change the site name in site settings
    • Example: ideabyte
  • Make sure the web app deployed successfully
  • Setup custom domain if needed
  • Setup deploy contexts so it can check all branch deploys
    • So in pull request, it automatically check the changes
  • Setup prerendering
  • Put all assets into public folder
  • Structure the src to be like:
    • pages: contains page name
    • layouts: contains layout name, to be used with pages
    • components: contains variety of components
  • Install and use React Router
  • Install and use styling package such as styled-components or @emotion/styled
  • Implement all pages and components
  • Make sure all pages are still accessible
  • Install and use Redux and React Redux


MIT License