
pow(a, b) precision loss

depler opened this issue · 6 comments

This code has precision loss:

define pow(a, b) {
    if (scale(b) == 0) {
        return a ^ b;
    return e(b*l(a));

For example pow(32, 0.2) should be equal to 2, but calculated as 1.99999999...

It is design by bc, we can do nothing for that, maybe..

There is similar problem with cbrt(27) which shows 2.999999... instead of 3. Probably we can use the fact, that divider is integer (5 for 1/5, 3 for 1/3), somehow...

Here is what I've made for roots:

define root(a, n)
    auto x, xk, diff, limit, nn;

    if (n == 0)
        return 1;

    if (n < 0)
        return 1 / root(a, -n);

    x = 1;
    diff = 1;
    limit = 10^(-scale);
    nn = n - 1;
    while (diff > limit)
        xk = (nn * x + a / x ^ nn) / n;
        diff = abs(xk - x);
        x = xk;
    return x;

This is based on Usage:

echo "root(32,5)" | bc -ql bc.txt

echo "root(7^19,2)" | bc -ql bc.txt

And here is code for rational power:

define int(x) 
    auto tmp;
    tmp = scale;
    scale = 0;
    x /= 1;
    scale = tmp;
    return x;

define mod(x, y)
    return x - (y * int(x / y))

define rpow(a, x, y)
    auto ax, ay;

    if (scale(x) != 0 || scale(y) != 0)
        print "x or y is not integer";
    if (y == 0)
        print "y is zero";

    if (x == 0)
        return 1;

    if (x == y)
        return a;
    ax = abs(x);
    ay = abs(y);

    if (ax > ay && mod(ax, ay) == 0)
        x = int(x / y);
        return a ^ x;

    if (ay > ax && mod(ay, ax) == 0)
        y = int(y / x);
        return root(a, y);
    return root(a, y) ^ x;


echo "rpow(64, 1, 6)" | bc -ql bc.txt

echo "rpow(64, 2, 12)" | bc -ql bc.txt

echo "rpow(2, -1, 2)" | bc -ql bc.txt

echo "rpow(2, 1, -2)" | bc -ql bc.txt

@depler Thanks. Could you send a PR?

I could, but I have found this: It is already contains nearly everything, including fractional power. And that all integrated into binary. Feel free if you still want to add my code by yourself.