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using folly::format;
using folly::sformat;

// Objects produced by format() can be streamed without creating
// an intermediary string; {} yields the next argument using default
// formatting.
std::cout << format("The answers are {} and {}", 23, 42);
// => "The answers are 23 and 42"

// If you just want the string, though, you're covered.
std::string result = sformat("The answers are {} and {}", 23, 42);
// => "The answers are 23 and 42"

// To insert a literal '{' or '}', just double it.
std::cout << format("{} {{}} {{{}}}", 23, 42);
// => "23 {} {42}"

// Arguments can be referenced out of order, even multiple times
std::cout << format("The answers are {1}, {0}, and {1} again", 23, 42);
// => "The answers are 42, 23, and 42 again"

// It's perfectly fine to not reference all arguments
std::cout << format("The only answer is {1}", 23, 42);
// => "The only answer is 42"

// Values can be extracted from indexable containers
// (random-access sequences and integral-keyed maps), and also from
// string-keyed maps
std::vector<int> v {23, 42};
std::map<std::string, std::string> m { {"what", "answer"} };
std::cout << format("The only {1[what]} is {0[1]}", v, m);
// => "The only answer is 42"

// format works with pairs and tuples
std::tuple<int, std::string, int> t {42, "hello", 23};
std::cout << format("{0} {2} {1}", t);
// => "42 23 hello"

// Format supports width, alignment, arbitrary fill, and various
// format specifiers, with meanings similar to printf
// "X<10": fill with 'X', left-align ('<'), width 10
std::cout << format("{:X<10} {}", "hello", "world");
// => "helloXXXXX world"

// Field width may be a runtime value rather than part of the format string
int x = 6;
std::cout << format("{:-^*}", x, "hi");
// => "--hi--"

// Explicit arguments work with dynamic field width, as long as indexes are
// given for both the value and the field width.
std::cout << format("{2:+^*0}",
9, "unused", 456); // => "+++456+++"

// Format supports printf-style format specifiers
std::cout << format("{0:05d} decimal = {0:04x} hex", 42);
// => "00042 decimal = 002a hex"

// Formatter objects may be written to a string using folly::to or
// folly::toAppend (see folly/Conv.h), or by calling their appendTo(),
// and str() methods
std::string s = format("The only answer is {}", 42).str();
std::cout << s;
// => "The only answer is 42"

// Decimal precision usage
std::cout << format("Only 2 decimals is {:.2f}", 23.34134534535);
// => "Only 2 decimals is 23.34"

暂时不支持 format. 不过可以直接使用 fastream.

fastream s;
s << "hello " << 23 << " again";
s << co::maxdp(2) << 1.23456;

在 coost 中,fastring::cat()str::cat() 可以将任意元素连接成一个字符串:

#include "co/str.h"

void f() {
    auto s = str::cat("hello", 123, "again", 3.14);, 99);