
circuit to verify an ethereum signature - curve secp256k1

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey folks,
I am looking for a zkp circuit to verify an ethereum signature. I think that's ECDSA - secp256k1? I need to use for my hackathon project. Is there a implementation for the same already available somewhere?

As a PoC I can use EdDSA signatures as well for my project, however the EdDSA test tests in this repo are failing. Can you help me fix them?

Thank you.

Resolved! It was a timeout issue! const cirDef = await compiler(path.join(__dirname, "circuits", "eddsa_test.circom")); takes more time than that set in the test. I precompiled the circuit circom test/circuits/eddsa_test.circom before running the test.

Modifying the title of the issue to ask whether there already is an implementation of ecdsa based on secp256k1.

We're currently exploring this for interchain swaps - and would love some sample code :) - the Aussie from the fantastic Web3 workshop you guys did :)