
Include directories line missing in CMakeLists.txt

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I was unable to to build the "Tracter" using Cmake. It was unable to find the Boost header files. I made it work by adding the line below in the CMakeLists.txt file


Is this a known issue?

Hi, I was unable to to build the "Tracter" using Cmake. It was unable to find
the Boost header files. I made it work by adding the line below in the
CMakeLists.txt file


Is this a known issue?

Not known, but it does make sense. Just to understand it, are your boost
headers installed in some odd place? What was the error exactly?


I insalled the Boost in my local user directory.
The was able to recognize the boost libraries and it created the build files "successfully". But when I ran the make command, it could not find the boost header files for compiling the files like "FilePath.cpp".
Perhaps, the "include directories" line is not required for other boost installations.

Yep, that makes sense, thanks. Fixed; pushed.