
code --install-extension *badges*.vsix

jiangtao opened this issue Β· 4 comments

zsh: no matches found: badges-*.vsix

The description you refer to works for the packaged extension only. That means you have to download the .vsix file manually, then install it using the given command-line (make sure to use the actual name).

If you want to install the package from Marketplace using the commandline, use code --install-extension idleberg.badges instead!

Thanks @idleberg . I had installed the extension, but it didn't work when I input the prefix svg-. Anything else to do ?

Newer versions of VSCode have quick suggestions disabled, so need to enable them in your settings:

"[markdown]": {
    "editor.quickSuggestions": true

…and I should mention this in the README πŸ˜‰

666 πŸ‘ It works. Thanks