
TypeError: shortestuserpath() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args'

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I've tried to run GoodHound but It fails with error 'TypeError: shortestuserpath() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args''

Are you running this with data collected using the sharphound version for bloodhound 4.1? If so try with --patch41

Let me know how you get on.

I believe I've fixed this now with v.1.1.2. I do suspect that if you're getting to the point where it's looking for individual user paths you might be suffering with the Bloodhound 4.1 bug, so worth trying with that --patch41 flag anyway.

Please do let me know if you're still getting the issue, and thanks for logging the bug in the first place :)

Yes, I am using BloodHound 4.1.0, but the use of --patch41 didn't help.

Ok. There was a bug in there that i pushed a fix for yesterday. Can you try getting the latest version and having another go please?
You will need the --patch41 argument when you try again.

Nice it is working now!

Thanks for letting me know